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Bush and Gore See the Writing on the Wall: Victory for Paul

Paul Promises October Surprise to Ensure Victory

For Immediate Release
October 25, 2000

Los Angeles, California (October 25) - With the momentum behind him, Paul reveled over desperation from the Bush and Gore campaigns. Both candidates are trying to stop his campaign by linking Paul to their opponents. "The Republicans recently dredged up Gore's old claims of raising 10,000 chickens. The Republicans are trying to use chickens to link me with Gore. They know that one of the first words that come to people's minds when they think of me is 'chicken'."

Paul's record of support for chickens is well documented on his website ( - Paul believes in spending balanced equally among humans, chickens, and ducks. He also supports designating the chicken as our national symbol ( Chicken has also inspired his campaign theme of the "Re-Hatching of America" (

The Democrats have also been trying to bring down Paul Chomicki with Bush since the beginning, Paul said. "They assume by my youth, I am a college frat boy, as they label Bush. Too bad for them, this link doesn't hold: I never even got into college!"

The Chomicki campaign, while buoyed by the fear in Paul's opponents, vowed not to take victory for granted. "I was never this successful. I don't know how to rest on my laurels and I'm not going to learn now," Paul explained. He promised that next week he will unveil his "October surprise" to assure his victory on November 7.


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